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miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

Dogs like therapists.

There are many benefits that science has rediscovered and even if we knew it since before, about bringing dogs in our lives.
Some of these benefits include the following:
-Enhancer of self-esteem and self-confidence.
-Source of physical contact.
-Source of affection and acceptance without boundaries
-Transitional object.
-Social facilitator.
-Help with our fitness.
-Multi-sensorial stimulation.
-Catalyst for interactions between animal and persons.
-Source of tranquility and attention.
-Not threatening element and game partners.
-Enhancer of learning.
-Conduct Enhancer.
-Catalyst for emotions.

I won’t talk too much about every one of these points now, since it is not my intention for now, I just wanted to list them.
All this knowledge gives me an example of how much dogs can contribute to my life, so now the question is: Do I know what a dog means at home? What does mean having a dog?, Should I prefer a particular breed? What type should I choose?, what are their needs?...

In the first place and starting from the end, we need to know that a dog is a responsibility of for life. Responsibility is not a bad thing, but yes implies commitment. The dog will need veterinary care, proper nutrition and what almost forgot us always: time. And why is Time so important?,  maybe because the dogs need predictability, i.e. a routine .
If you are not able to give a routine, your dog can l begin to show behavior problems. Conversely if you are able to provide your dog a healthy routine, you will have half of the walked path and with a little help from an educator, your dog will be a great therapist. Remember: Time.

Secondly we will talk about the choice of the specimen and the race. With respect to the size of the sample, is preferable medium/large type, since they resist more incorrect manipulations (for example a Yorkshire is a danger in the hands of a careless child).
Between males and females, I personally have predilection for females, because I consider them more responsive and easy to educate (but this is just a predilection, dogs and therapy dogs often neutered, so if we claim dependent sex aggression problems, are minimized by castration).

If we talk about the temperament of the dog, we need an animal of a medium reactivity that score low on aggression and high in ease to learn. No one wants a dog jumping over chairs and tables, which bite and unable to learn the least or is asleep all day without crave you move the tail.

And now, already involved in the theme, let’s talk about the apple of discord: the race. I've seen dogs therapists of all races; from San Bernardos, through Pit Bulls, a Golden Retriever. Everything I've seen  they would stay with the masters, although other races also make their role to perfection; and it is that nowadays dogs almost are not selected based on a function to develop, so some sources tell us that only 40% of the copies of a race would be within the standard character set for it.
However, everything must be said, is easier to find a good dog shows if we get with an English Setter than if we are with a Spanish mastiff. All the exposed a good place where to find our furry therapist would be within the breed of the Retriever Labradors, as in principle if you are not an experienced "dog catcher" does not give you problems, but do not rule out any race because we always in therapy work with a specific specimen, not with a racial group.

If you want to dig deeper into the subject, or have any questions, you can put in contact with me.

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