I won't go into detail about what the attention Deficit Disorder with
hyperactivity is, which commonly known because we heard about so many
hyperactive children, since there is so much information at the internet just
in case which you are interested and we also have our friend Alma Dzib Goodin that can clarify many of
your doubts about this topic.
What I would like, before commenting the benefits of therapies with dogs
for children with this disorder, it’s the injury by using negative labels on
childhood. I don't want to deny the existence of this condition, it’s real at
some cases, but I will say that when a label is accessible it is very easy to use
it wrong.
Some decades ago children were "moved", "terrible",
"playful"... now they are HYPERACTIVE. So, if you could have together
my two small children and myself, you would say that all of us are hyperactive
in your eyes. But I think we must be
cautious when it comes to diagnose anything labeled to that child for the rest
of his life. And still, we must be clear not saying you “You are,” but “You have",
a problem that has solutions and one of them is the dog-assisted therapies.
One of the characteristics of these children is that their behavior is
random and dependent on the environment, comply with standards and refrain in
certain behaviors, trouble that leads them to a situation of isolation with
respect to their peers and with adults, which over time is possible to it have
impact on their self-esteem. There are studies that demonstrates that these
people, compared with their peers, frequently have behavioral problems, are
less empathetic, less skilled socially and perceive the environment more
negatively (Dodge, 1985).
Then, How can dog contribute? , why is valid in these cases a therapy
with dogs?, why as a father/mother or educators should I invest time and money
in a therapy dog? Maybe then I'll expose a few of many that will be useful and
make you think.
- As you remember from the first
post on this blog about Biophilia, the presence of a dog would have the ability
to attract and keep the attention of the child or the child's: work attention.
- As the child cannot predict
how the animal behave got an inhibition of behavior, working the IMPULSIVITY.
What gives us a temporary space in which we can ask questions about the dog, so
will also work the reflective thought.
- The way this children play is
almost always aggressive. The presence of the dog will give children
opportunity to work that aggression through care and affection
for the animal.
- Children with ADHD tend to
perceive their classmates, teachers and their environment in a negative way and
thus justify their aggressive behaviors. In the presence of animals people are
perceived more positively. We are working for both the POSITIVITY.
- And something that is
completely fascinating and can get with therapy with dogs is the process of empowerment
that we can achieve. Thus, through the care and education of the dog in
which the child is involved, this looks like it is useful, but it is able to
follow sequences of commands, as it may inhibit unwanted behaviors, as it is
capable of taking care of others, as it increases their self-esteem. And all
because the effort of the child is reflected in the conduct of the dog who
moves forward in its relationship with the human being who is at his side,
corrects its errors and does not judge them.
Perhaps for the first time and the eyes of a dog a human being competent
and useful, will be what will open a new brighter future and without tags to
"Look at what I am capable of doing and I did, not on what I have
done." No one while watching fascinated the fish to swim in a pond
wondered why can't fly".
Remember that if you want more information you can put in contact with
More info: http://tdah.tel/
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